The RELENT Project
The RELENT Project
The RELENT Project

Work Plan

To facilitate the work in RELENT, the project contains 6 work packages (WPs). Each work package has an academic lead who is responsible for the management and the results of their WP. Additionally the work packages are subdivided in tasks.

The figure below shows the structure of the project and the interdependencies of the WPs as well as the partners responsible for them. By clicking on the different WPs you can find out more about the respective tasks and objectives.



RELENT Work plan WP1 Identification of common pathways WP2 Identification of protein signatures WP3 The ageing immune system WP4 Pathogenic role of T-cells WP5 Dissemination, exploitation and communication WP6 Project management

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The understanding of AAV pathogenesis isincreasing, leading to improvements in... Read more

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